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Monday, February 14, 2011

You Spin Me Right Round...Like a Record, Baby, Right Round....

   British rock group Radiohead said on Monday they will release a new album online this week -- but abandoned the experiment they made with their last record when they let fans decide the price.

     In a surprise announcement on their website, the band said "The King of Limbs", their eighth album, could be downloaded for £6 ($9, 7 euros) on Saturday.

     In October 2007 Radiohead caused a major stir in the music industry when they told listeners they could pay whatever they wanted to download their album "In Rainbows".

     At the time the website said "It's up to you" in place of a price.

     A survey soon afterwards showed that about a third of people paid nothing for the downloaded album, with the average price being four pounds.

     Some industry figures criticised the band, saying the precedent of allowing fans to pay what they wanted could be dangerous for artists trying to protect their interests at a difficult time.

     Letting fans decide how much to pay was an interesting model but it was doomed because it felt too political. Anyone with a healthy common sense will be naturally distrustful if asked to pay to be principled... It didn't help much that, despite containing some very beautiful music, this was probably their worst album. I mean, say what you want about Pablo Honey but it was a financially successful record...

     The basic problem with the music industry is that they have turned music into a rather expensive product... No, bands are not entitled to charge as much as they did back when production and distribution of records was somewhat expensive, the Internet really did change all that.

     Musicians are certainly entitled to make a living off their work, but they need to understand the paying public will no longer support their lavish lifestyles, much less those of record company executives. However talented you may be as an artist, or not, it really should be live performances that earn you a living. Just as it has always been for musicians since the dawn of history.

     I'm a big fan of Radiohead's music (obviously ;)) and will likely buy the new album, just as I have every single other one they've ever produced, but it will be an exception.
     As most people who do listen to a lot of music I no longer pay for most of it (not downloading, just got a good enough connection I can use youtube as a jukebox). The age of rock stars is now gone and it's not all bad, musicians should be in it for the passion and not for financial gain. The loss for big world renowned groups has become a gain for small local scene gigs. The prevalent culture of celebrity worship may make it attractive to turn art into products, but once you've crossed that line you need to deal with the fact product prices are set by the market. And the market is saying people are no longer willing to pay so much for something they can get for free.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Just Say Nyet....

     I have recently come to the conclusion that leftists reveal their innermost thoughts when attacking those with whom they disagree. For example, in President Obama's recently televised meeting with Republicans, he chastised critics who believe his policies are part of some Bolshevik plot.

     My first thought was, huh? I frequently listen to and read conservative media, and I had never heard this analysis. So it seemed that Obama was responding to an argument no one had made. Why would he do this? The answer may lie in my second thought, which was that Mr. Obama had just provided the most brilliant and succinct analysis I have heard for the motivation behind his administration's agenda. Why all these czars? Bolshevik plot. Why take over General Motors? Bolshevik plot. Why attack the banks? Bolshevik plot. Why force nationalized health care down our throats? Bolshevik plot. Why attempt to turn the National Endowment for the Arts into a propaganda ministry? Bolshevik plot. And so on and so on. Thank you, Mr. President. The previously nonexistent argument you responded to now exists, and it is a powerful one.

     Another example is the charge of racism leveled against anyone who disagrees with President Obama's way of thinking. (The most recent declaration is that anyone who calls Mr. Obama a "professor" is probably a racist.) This has given conservatives a prolonged and collective "Huh?" moment. As conservatives, we are surprised to hear that our opposition to policies connected with Caucasians like Marx, Lenin, and Stalin would suddenly be a manifestation of white hostility toward blacks. This idea is so far from our minds that we wonder how anyone could even conceive of such an accusation.

     The reason, as with President Obama and his Bolshevik plot, is that rather than accurately describing the opposition, the left is actually revealing something about itself. This was perhaps illustrated most clearly when after President Obama's recent State of the Union address. This comment is instructive because it speaks to the left's own racism and to the reason why they try to transfer their shortcomings onto us. In other words, since the left is racist, conservatives must be racist, too.

     The history of the Soviet Union is a plausible source for the account of American history. The motives that he claims are possessed by his opponents are most likely his own, given the tendency of leftists to project onto conservatives their own failings. The left are trying to bring about class warfare by fementing hatred and fear among different groups of people. If this class warfare ever is successful in establishing a communist dictatorship, then the ruling class -- which would most likely consist of privileged white leftists -- would rely on continued racial and class hatred to maintain their power. People of color, women, gays, animals, and the environment would be oppressed under this regime; only this time the oppression will be real. However, as was the case in the USSR, the regime may enjoy a measure of support for its efforts at keeping the hated class -- white people who do not give their allegiance to the party -- in check.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Jiminy Cricket: What does an actor want with a conscience, anyway?

     The ledger did not appear to be adding up Tuesday night when President Barack Obama urged more spending on one hand and a spending freeze on the other.

     Here's a look at some of Obama's statements Tuesday night and how they compare with the facts:

     OBAMA: Tackling the deficit "means further reducing health care costs, including programs like Medicare and Medicaid, which are the single biggest contributor to our long-term deficit. Health insurance reform will slow these rising costs, which is part of why nonpartisan economists have said that repealing the health care law would add a quarter of a trillion dollars to our deficit."

     THE FACTS: The idea that Obama's health care law saves money for the government is based on some arguable assumptions.

     To be sure, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has estimated the law will slightly reduce red ink over 10 years. But the office's analysis assumes that steep cuts in Medicare spending, as called for in the law, will actually take place. Others in the government have concluded it is unrealistic to expect such savings from Medicare.

     In recent years, for example, Congress has repeatedly overridden a law that would save the treasury billions by cutting deeply into Medicare pay for doctors. Just last month, the government once again put off the scheduled cuts for another year, at a cost of $19 billion. That money is being taken out of the health care overhaul. Congress has shown itself sensitive to pressure from seniors and their doctors, and there's little reason to think that will change.

     OBAMA: Vowed to veto any bills sent to him that include "earmarks," pet spending provisions pushed by individual lawmakers. "Both parties in Congress should know this: If a bill comes to my desk with earmarks inside, I will veto it."

     THE FACTS: House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, has promised that no bill with earmarks will be sent to Obama in the first place. Republicans have taken the lead in battling earmarks while Obama signed plenty of earmark-laden spending bills when Democrats controlled both houses. As recently as last month, Obama was prepared to sign a catchall spending measure stuffed with earmarks, before it collapsed in the Senate after an outcry from conservatives over the bill's $8 billion-plus in home-state pet projects.

     It's a turnabout for the president; in early 2009, Obama sounded like an apologist for the practice: "Done right, earmarks have given legislators the opportunity to direct federal money to worthy projects that benefit people in their districts, and that's why I've opposed their outright elimination," he said then.

     OBAMA: "I'm willing to look at other ideas to bring down costs, including one that Republicans suggested last year: medical malpractice reform to rein in frivolous lawsuits."

     THE FACTS: Republicans may be forgiven if this offer makes them feel like Charlie Brown running up to kick the football, only to have it pulled away, again.

     Obama has expressed openness before to this prominent Republican proposal, but it has not come to much. It was one of several GOP ideas that were dropped or diminished in the health care law after Obama endorsed them in a televised bipartisan meeting at the height of the debate.

     Republicans want federal action to limit jury awards in medical malpractice cases; what Obama appears to be offering, by supporting state efforts, falls short of that. The president has said he agrees that fear of being sued leads to unnecessary tests and procedures that drive up health care costs. So far the administration has provided grants to test ideas aimed at reducing medical mistakes and resolving malpractice cases by negotiation, but has recommended no change in federal law.

    Trial lawyers, major political donors to Democratic candidates, are strongly opposed to caps on jury awards. But the administration has been reluctant to support other approaches, such as the creation of specialized courts where expert judges, not juries, would decide malpractice cases. In October 2009 the Congressional Budget Office estimated that government health care programs could save $41 billion over 10 years if nationwide limits on jury awards for pain and suffering and other similar curbs were enacted.

     OBAMA: "Within 25 years, our goal is to give 80 percent of Americans access to high-speed rail, which could allow you go places in half the time it takes to travel by car. For some trips, it will be faster than flying — without the pat-down."

     THE FACTS: High-speed rail has been most successful for trips between cities roughly 200 to 500 miles apart — planes are more efficient for longer distances and cars for shorter trips. Administration officials say it's inevitable that there will fast passenger train service between U.S. cities since projected population growth — 70 million more people in the next 25 years — will otherwise create congestion so severe that air or highway travel between nearby cities will become impractical.

     But there are many major hurdles that will have to be overcome. Congress has approved $10.5 billion to jump start selected high-speed rail projects, but some industry estimates for the cost of a truly national network with service to major cities in every region of the country range from $500 billion to $1 trillion. Also, it's doubtful that all service will be truly high-speed, often described as a minimum of 110 mph. Frequent stops could force trains to travel slower for safety even if they are capable of higher speeds.

     THE FACTS: Obama's fiscal commission did not simply recommend cutting excessive spending; it proposed that the deficit could only be tamed by cutting $3 for every $1 of new revenue raised — in other words, a painful mix of spending cuts and tax increases. Instead, Obama proposed an overhaul of the corporate tax system that would eliminate loopholes and tax breaks but also reduce tax rates. The net effect would be neutral; it would not reduce or raise any revenue. Obama has yet to sign on to any of the ideas, even though he promised when creating the panel that it would not be "one of those Washington gimmicks."

     OBAMA: "To put us on solid ground, we should also find a bipartisan solution to strengthen Social Security for future generations."

     THE FACTS: With that comment, Obama missed another chance to embrace the tough medicine proposed by the commission for bringing down the deficit. For example, he ruled out slashing benefits or partially privatizing the program, and made no reference to raising the retirement age. That left listeners to guess how he plans to do anything to salvage the popular retirement program whose trust funds are expected to run out of money in 2037 without changes.

     OBAMA: As testament to the fruits of his administration's diplomatic efforts to control the spread of nuclear weapons, he said the Iranian government "faces tougher and tighter sanctions than ever before."

     THE FACTS: That is true, and it reflects Obama's promise one year ago that Iran would face "growing consequences" if it failed to heed international demands to constrain its nuclear program. But what Obama didn't say was that U.S. diplomacy has failed to persuade Tehran to negotiate over U.N. demands that it take steps to prove it is not on the path toward a bomb. Preliminary talks with Iran earlier this month broke off after the Iranians demanded U.S. sanctions be lifted.

     To summarize: Obama said stuff people think they want to hear, yet has little substance and impact, all while taking subtle jabs at the GOP for not being "bipartisan" even though the last 2 years the party in control had no intentions of it.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Yeah Right! Promises, Promises.....

     Barack Obama has another opportunity tonight to build on the surprisingly quick rebound he has engineered since receiving a "shellacking" from the voters in November. Thanks to the series of compromises he forged with congressional Republicans in December, the president is now enjoying his strongest approval ratings since early last year.

     Be that as it may, false promises are not "Change We Can Believe In."
President Obama diverted the legitimate anger and energy for real change and scuttled it under what has become known as the fraudulent tent of the Democratic Party. He led millions to the cliff, and they are now falling off in droves. Those who have not quite gotten to the edge are yelling: "Wait! Give him more time!"

     Nearly everyone of us still remember Obama saying during the campaign, "America is the greatest country in the world, now help me change it." No words could have been more true.

     Over the past year Obama has laid the ground work to transform our country into something unrecognizable. Therein, Obama has completely dashed and destroyed the false hopes of nearly everyone within the Democratic Party, and the political system as it stands. Without question, Obama has filled the Democratic Party hot air balloon to the limit and it has burst. It falls like a failing parachute taking along nearly everyone within the Democratic Party.

     Remember when Obama said he will not destroy the social security system? Just another one of his many, many, many misleading promises.

     1. President Obama promised, “I’ll make our government open and transparent, so that anyone can ensure that our business is the people’s business.”

     2. President Obama promised, “As President, I’m going to make it impossible for Congressmen or lobbyists to slip pork barrel projects or corporate welfare into laws when no one’s looking…”

     3. President Obama promised, "When I’m President, meetings where laws are written will be more open to the public. No more secrecy. That is the commitment I make to you as President.”

     4. President Obama promised, “When there’s a bill that ends up on my desk as President, you the public will have five days to look online to see what's in it before I sign it."

     5. President Obama promised, “When there are meetings between lobbyists and a government agency, we’ll put as many of those meetings as possible online for every American to watch.”

     6. President Obama promised, “When there’s a tax bill being debated in Congress, you will know the names of the corporations that would benefit and how much money they would get, and we will put every corporate tax break and every pork barrel project online for every American to see. You will know who asked for them and you can decide whether your representative is actually representing you." And the list goes on and on and on and on and on.

     Obama will use the Tucson, AZ. victim's families as a shield for his political objectives. As we all know, the lone shooter had absolutely NO connection or political affiliations with the right, yet, here we have... once again... the President using these victims to promote "more civil discourse."

     The Tucson shootings have NOTHING to do with taxpayers screaming for reforms, caps on spending, creating a balanced budget, securing our borders, improving national security, lowering taxes, and creating jobs!

     We do not need civility, we need change NOW! This claim of a need for civility is really nothing more than the media, Obama, and Democrats wanting taxpayers and Tea party members and Republicans to shut up and let them continue to push a socialistic agenda!
They are shamelessly using this tragedy as a ploy to distract the country.

     Do not let the mainstream media, Democrats and others paint themselves in the blood of innocent victims of a senseless and UNRELATED tragedy and use it to avoid facing the reforms this country so desperately needs! Those of us who love this country, love our history, are patriots seeking budgetary reforms and other changes necessary to the nation's survival and are screaming for these reforms are NOT the problem. We are the solution to the problem!

     Do you think our Forefathers would have been successful if guilt mongers had silenced them? We would still be a British colony if they had silenced their objections and decided to be "more civil."

     You know you failed, when you lean to the left and the left makes jokes at your expense.
     Here are a few examples:

     The liberals are asking us to give Obama time. We agree . . . and think 25 to life      would be appropriate.
     --Jay Leno

     America needs Obama-care like Nancy Pelosi needs a Halloween mask.
     --Jay Leno

     Q: Have you heard about McDonald's' new Obama Value Meal?
     A: Order anything you like and the guy behind you has to pay for it.
     --Conan O'Brien

     Q: What does Barack Obama call lunch with a convicted felon?
     A: A fund raiser.
     --Jay Leno

     Q: What's the difference between Obama's cabinet and a penitentiary?
     A: One is filled with tax evaders, blackmailers, and threats to society. The other is      for housing prisoners.
     --David Letterman

     Q: If Nancy Pelosi and Obama were on a boat in the middle of the ocean and it started      to sink, who would be saved?
     A: America !
     --Jimmy Fallon

     Q: What's the difference between Obama and his dog, Bo?
     A: Bo has papers.
     --Jimmy Kimmel

     Q: What was the most positive result of the "Cash for Clunkers" program?
     A: It took 95% of the Obama bumper stickers off the road.
     --David Letterman

     Let's hope the SOTU

Friday, January 21, 2011

Shiver Me Timbers, There Be Pirates A'plenty......

     South Korean navy commandos on Friday stormed a ship hijacked by Somali pirates in the Indian Ocean, rescuing all the 21 crew and killing eight pirates

     The SEAL special forces boarded the South Korean ship before dawn, freeing all the hostages and killing the pirates in cabin-to-cabin battles, they said. Five other pirates were captured.

    The pirates seized the 11,500-ton ship and 21 crew members -- eight South Koreans, two Indonesians and 11 from Myanmar -- on January 15 in the Arabian Sea when it was en route to Sri Lanka from the United Arab Emirates.

    Seoul ordered a destroyer on patrol in the Gulf of Aden to give chase and President Lee ordered "all possible measures" to save the crew.

    General Lee said the commandos moved in after receiving information that the "mother ship" for the pirates was leaving a Somali port.

     I'm tired of the U.S. being the wuss of the world. Everybody in the PC crowd is too worried about what others think of us and they would give up our arms in order to 'make friends.'

     Whether or not you give up the 'milk money', you will eventually get 'beaten up' if there is an opportunity. I want to keep the milk money and never give them the opportunity to be 'beaten up.'

     This is done through ongoing shows of force and not by signs of weakness. South Korea showed that they can be stronger than we are.

     The U.S. should be the first to order an advance strike team to attend to the problem of piracy on the high seas. Pirates are not just hijacking freighters carrying sneakers and t-shirts. Pirates are hijacking oil container ships, chemical carriers and other deliveries that can be turned into weapons. Some of the hijacked deliveries have been weapons.

      I have always said: If you want to scare someone, sneak-up on them.

      One of the most feared vessels on the high seas, during WWII was a submarine. Not easily detected and could inflict a whole lot of pain. 

      If someone was smart, a security firm could enlist the use of decommissioned subs to shadow freighters they are hired to protect. This is no different than having a security team on board the vessel. Can you hear me "Blackwater"?

     On a side note: one of the most controversial rescues was by the Russian marines who freed 23 crew members barricaded on board a Russian tanker, the "Moscow University". The pirates were later found dead and adrift in a small boat.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Why Are Pirates, Pirates? Because They Arrrrrrrrr.....

     NATO's anti-piracy force has found no crew members or pirates on board a Danish cargo ship that Somali pirates hijacked and then abandoned, officials said Friday.

     The MV Leopard was attacked on Wednesday by pirates in two skiffs but since then the ship's owner, Shipcraft shipping company, has lost contact with its crew of six.

     With the attack on the MV Leopard and the hijacking of its crew, Somali pirates currently hold 28 vessels and about 660 sailors and other crew hostage.

     Somali pirates attack vessels because of the multimillion dollar ransoms they are able to get. Piracy thrives because of Somalia's lawlessness and its coastline runs along some of the world's key waterways such as the Gulf of Aden through which an estimated 20,000 ships pass. Many of these also pass through the Arabian Sea.

     Somalia has not had an effective central government for 20 years nor does it have a naval force that can tackle piracy off its coast. The ransoms the pirates get are among the few regular sources of income for small businesses that supply the pirates food and other goods.

     This whole problem began with a few Somalis who made their fortune one way or another and then returned to Somalia to exploit a few dumb kids who don't know any better from the hordes of uneducated, unemployable thugs who crowd every port in that godforsaken country.

     People always want to make it out to seem that it's the poor Africans who suffer at the hands of inhumane scorn from the west which drives them to commit acts like these. It's ridiculousness. These kids are getting money, weapons, boats, satellite phones, GPS equipment, all the tools of the pirate trade from well-to-do Somalians living in the west who most likely made their own fortunes on the blood of their own countrymen.
     Former warlords, pimps, murderers, whatever you want to call them, that's who we ought to be looking for as the brains behind these operations. These imps can't communicate with anyone who isn't Somali and they certainly wouldn't be taking orders from them.

     My answer to all this is assign coalition submarines to the area. Seek out the pirates and when discovered, sneak up on them, surface and the first one that fires on the sub is taken out. If this is done on a daily bases, the piracy will stop.

     These ships, merchant or whatever, need to be allowed safe passage. If the Somali pirates take action against ships from all nations, then all nations should take action against the pirates.

     Piracy use to be a capital offense like horse theft. If you were caught, you were hanged. Now we pay ransoms.
     One day they will board a ship that has nuclear material (medical or industrial) and it will be enough for them to realize that now they can take the whole world hostage.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Hey, Govenor Quinn, What's All That Noise Outside.....

    While many states consider boosting their economies with tax cuts, Illinois officials are betting on the opposite tactic: dramatically raising taxes to resolve a budget crisis that threatened to cripple state government.

    Neighboring states gleefully plotted Wednesday to take advantage of what they consider a major economic blunder and lure business away from Illinois.

    By going where no other state dares to tread, Illinois could prove itself to be a policy pacesetter or the opposite — a place so dysfunctional that officials created a jaw-dropping budget crisis and then tried to fix it by knee-capping the economy.

    Illinois faced a budget deficit of $15 billion in the coming year, equivalent to more than half the state's general fund. Officials warned that state government might not be able to pay its employees. It certainly would fall further behind in paying the businesses, charities and schools that provide services on the state's behalf.

    To avoid that, the Democrat-controlled General Assembly voted to temporarily raise personal income taxes 66 percent, from 3 percent to 5 percent. Corporate rates will rise, too — from 4.8 percent to 7 percent — when Democratic Gov. Pat Quinn signs the measure.

    The increase is expected to produce $6.8 billion a year for the four years it's in full effect. That should be enough to balance Illinois' annual budget and begin chipping away at a backlog of roughly $8 billion in old bills.

    Here is an over simplified version of what is and will happen:

    The people that elect the Democrat politicians are two basic types, idealists and the "freebie" crowd.

    The idealists have a Utopian socialist vision that if everyone were equal, all problems in the world will go away. They will vote for whomever they think will make the world magically better. They listen to the socialist blather from Democrats and buy in. The idealists and socialist politicians start giving a chunk of working people's money to the freebie crowd.

    The freebie crowd uses their free food stamps to eat, get free medical to breed more urchins, use the extra money from those urchins (via welfare) to buy beer and luxury items, etc. Then they use their free bus pass to go to the polling booth and vote in Democrats. Those Democrats insure that the above freebies will continue.

    Now throw an outfit like ACORN into the mix that encourages this behavior. This is destructive and problematic. For all of ACORN'S and the left wing's big words, having irresponsible people voting is bad policy. By busing lowlifes, druggies, and decent but non productive people to the polling places, the balance gets shaky.

    When the idealists plus the freebie crowd is over 50% of the voting population, the out of touch politicians are encouraged and can stay in power. All is well until the money starts drying up. The politicians then overtax the productive people to support their constituency.

    The productive people start becoming unproductive. There comes a point where they are forced to go elsewhere. They trickle out of the city or state, gradually leaving behind insolvent places like New York, Illinois, and California.

    The freebie crowd hangs around for awhile, then they are forced to move when their former states can't afford to support them any more. They start another den of insolvency elsewhere. The Idealists are left blaming the productive people for all the world's problems and wondering what the heck happened? (We are about at this point in the US.)

    It never seems to occur to either of these groups that work and productivity builds economies, not idealism and laziness.

    And let us not forget the failed policies of the crooks and mobsters of Chicago and Cook County. Why is Springfield still the capitol? Shouldn't that have been moved to Chicago since they are the ones who call the shots? And even now people are still surprised by all this. These are the people who gave us Obama, Blago and Ryan.

    All this will prove is that the politicians, unions, and corporations that agree with the politicians will continue to get richer and the people will get poorer.