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Friday, January 21, 2011

Shiver Me Timbers, There Be Pirates A'plenty......

     South Korean navy commandos on Friday stormed a ship hijacked by Somali pirates in the Indian Ocean, rescuing all the 21 crew and killing eight pirates

     The SEAL special forces boarded the South Korean ship before dawn, freeing all the hostages and killing the pirates in cabin-to-cabin battles, they said. Five other pirates were captured.

    The pirates seized the 11,500-ton ship and 21 crew members -- eight South Koreans, two Indonesians and 11 from Myanmar -- on January 15 in the Arabian Sea when it was en route to Sri Lanka from the United Arab Emirates.

    Seoul ordered a destroyer on patrol in the Gulf of Aden to give chase and President Lee ordered "all possible measures" to save the crew.

    General Lee said the commandos moved in after receiving information that the "mother ship" for the pirates was leaving a Somali port.

     I'm tired of the U.S. being the wuss of the world. Everybody in the PC crowd is too worried about what others think of us and they would give up our arms in order to 'make friends.'

     Whether or not you give up the 'milk money', you will eventually get 'beaten up' if there is an opportunity. I want to keep the milk money and never give them the opportunity to be 'beaten up.'

     This is done through ongoing shows of force and not by signs of weakness. South Korea showed that they can be stronger than we are.

     The U.S. should be the first to order an advance strike team to attend to the problem of piracy on the high seas. Pirates are not just hijacking freighters carrying sneakers and t-shirts. Pirates are hijacking oil container ships, chemical carriers and other deliveries that can be turned into weapons. Some of the hijacked deliveries have been weapons.

      I have always said: If you want to scare someone, sneak-up on them.

      One of the most feared vessels on the high seas, during WWII was a submarine. Not easily detected and could inflict a whole lot of pain. 

      If someone was smart, a security firm could enlist the use of decommissioned subs to shadow freighters they are hired to protect. This is no different than having a security team on board the vessel. Can you hear me "Blackwater"?

     On a side note: one of the most controversial rescues was by the Russian marines who freed 23 crew members barricaded on board a Russian tanker, the "Moscow University". The pirates were later found dead and adrift in a small boat.

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