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Friday, November 26, 2010

Spoilt Brat With A Loaded Gun.....

     North Korea staged an artillery drill Friday within earshot of a South Korean island shelled earlier this week, and warned that an upcoming US-South Korean naval exercise heightens the risk of war.

     Seoul named a former military chief as its new defence minister to try to restore confidence in the armed forces, after their allegedly feeble response to Tuesday's deadly bombardment of Yeonpyeong island.

     China, the North's sole major ally, warned Friday against military activity in its exclusive economic zone, echoing remarks it made a day earlier opposing the war games.

     China doesn't want a war. Because their economy is so tied up with the west that disengaging with us is unthinkable. At the same time they must be seen to be standing up for NK. They can't stand by while we turn NK to glass even though they might want to: It would be too unpopular. It would be like allowing Mexico to seize California (officially, that is!).

     Let's hope somehow we can get things squared away with China so the NK thing can be resolved. If Pyongyang believe China isn't right behind them they'll toe the line anyway. Whatever, it's going to be messy.

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