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Thursday, December 9, 2010

From Weiner to Dick in 11 minutes.....

     In a eleven minute segment that started as a discussion of President Obama’s deal on tax cuts, a very testy Dem. Rep. Anthony Weiner criticized the president for “not fighting hard enough.”

     But as the conversation drifted to the estate tax, Weiner seemed to have no patience for Kelly herself, interrupting, sighing, looking away, clapping his hands and clearly crossing the line into condescension:

      Here's a quick rundown if you can't watch the whole video.

    KELLY: You mentioned the estate tax twice, so I do want to ask you about it. The argument from the other side is that it’s a morally corrupt tax. I don’t have a five million dollar estate–I’d like to some day–but if I work all my life and I pay my taxes on my income and then I die and I want to pass on what would be great if it were a five million dollar estate to my kids, why should I pay the government again? Why should there be a 35 or 45 or 55 percent tax on that again?

    WEINER: You aren’t paying anything in that case because you’ll be dead.

    KELLY: The estate is, and that’s less for my children.

    WEINER: The only question is… look.

    KELLY: No, you’re not… Answer my question. How is that fair?

    WEINER: Megyn, Megyn… Megyn, you’re going to have to let me answer the question. We’re going to have a conversation that gets us anywhere.

    KELLY: Go ahead.

    WEINER: The only question here is not whether or not there should be a tax on that, the question is where the limit should be and how much should…

    KELLY: No, I’ll ask the question and you’re not answering. Just tell me how it’s fair.

Weiner, who never did answer that question, opted to pause, look around the Capitol and clap his hands before returning to camera and asking, “Ready?”

You get the feeling Weiner might’ve walked off after the interview and kicked a garbage can. And yet through it all, Kelly kept cooler than most of us can even get on vacation.

     Ok, I watched Weiner twice because I wanted to make sure I understood what his points were. Here’s the two biggies…

     1. Rich people are to be treated as lower than dirt citizens because they happen to have more money than the average person. Therefore, they must give up more of the money they earn than everyone else. (Its his logic not mine)

     2. The money you earned throughout your life does not matter because you will be dead. Therefore, the money you worked so hard for should go to the government. (once again, his logic)

     His other argument is so full of crap its not even funny. He says that by not taking more money from rich people,  we are adding to the deficit.

     Bullshit! its all the SPENDING he’s voted for that has caused the deficit!!! Oh my God. I'm nowhere close to being a business major, but I can see that if you want more tax money, you have to put people back to work. How do you do that? Let the people who own businesses get a break on taxes so they can hire more people. More people working, more income taxes go to the government. BY getting more people off welfare and back to making a decent living more people will spend more money. You can't tax them so much that being on welfare is more profitable than having a job. The more people make and spend, the more the government can cover their collective IOU's.

     For the record… I don’t have anything against rich people. They have the exact same rights that I do. The only big advantage they have over the average guy is being able to afford better legal council when they get themselves in deep trouble. The only way to stop all this nonsense is to push our reps to finally do something about destroying the tax code (the IRS first) and start over with a Fair Tax. I prefer we do it one of two ways. First… Every single income in the country, and yes this includes the poor, get’s taxed the EXACT SAME RATE. Or… We go to a straight consumption tax on everything we purchase with ZERO exclusions!

     I don’t feel like explaining every reason why I like those ideas, so you just got the short versions. And no thank you, I don’t want to get into a long drawn out argument about taxes. I said my piece, take it or leave it.

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