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Monday, December 13, 2010

POP! Goes The Weasel('s head).....

     A Middle Eastern man killed in a blast in Stockholm was wearing a bomb belt and
ready to attack a train station or department store when the device went off

     The attack, the first of its kind in Sweden, has heightened fears about attacks in
Europe during the Christmas holidays.

     The incident began when a car containing gas cylinders blew up in a shopping area
in central Stockholm on Saturday. Minutes later a blast nearby killed the bomber and
hurt two people.

     Police were all but certain the attacker was Taymour Abdulwahab, who emigrated to
Sweden in 1992 but mostly lived in Britain with his wife and two children. An entry by
Abdulwahab on a Muslim dating website gave his birthplace as Iraq.

     What? A Muslim man that is married posting on a dating website and he wasn't killed for adultery? Just another example of the hypocrisy of the Middle Eastern people. A Muslim women would have been stoned or drug thru the streets.

    The so-called “members of other faiths” alluded to by Muslims are nearly always just
nominal members who have NO active involvement. They are neither inspired by, nor do
they credit religion as Muslim terrorists do, and this is what makes it a very different

    Islam is associated with Islamic terrorism because that is the association that the
terrorists themselves CHOOSE to make.

    Muslims who compare crime committed by people who happen to be nominal members of
other religions to religious terror committed EXPLICITLY in the name of Islam are
comparing apples to oranges.

    Yes, some of the abortion clinic bombers were religious (as Muslims pointing out),
but consider the scope of the problem. There were FIVE deadly attacks over a 35 year
period in the U.S. Seven people died. This is an average of one death every five years.
I will say again…ONE!!

    By contrast, Islamic terrorists have staged over 16,000 deadly attacks in just the
nine years following September 11th, 2001. If one goes back to 1971, when Muslim armies
in Bangladesh began the mass slaughter of Hindus, through the years of Jihad in the
Sudan, Kashmir and Algeria, and the present-day Sunni-Shia violence in Iraq, the number
of innocents killed in the name of Islam probably exceeds 7,000,000 over this same

    In the last 9 years, there have been perhaps a dozen or so religiously-inspired
killings by people of all other faiths COMBINED. You will have a hard time finding a
single DAY where ISLAM doesn't rear its ugly head like in Stockholm!

    No other religion produces the killing sprees that Islam does nearly every day of
the year. Neither do they have verses in their holy texts that arguably support i, nor
do they have large groups across the globe dedicated to the mass murder of people who
worship a different god and don’t wish to “submit and surrender” to the moon-god-Allah.

     I would suggest that we take a long hard look at whether those who profess any
religion or culture that condones such actions should or can be tolerated or accorded
the title of "civilized."

     People who run around blowing themselves and others up in the name of anyone, much
less a "God" figure, demonstrate their complete and total lack of understanding much
less respect of their fellow humans.

     Mad men blow themselves up to demonstrate their religious commitment and fervor.
Sane, civilized men respect their fellow humans if they intend to be a part of any
society or civilization.

    Perhaps the solution is not to allow these folks refuge in any country but those
that would condone and tolerate such madness. Let them blow each other up in the name of
their "God." The option is to wage total and complete war against those who would allow
such insane actions within our midst.

     Let these zealots create their own country so they can have their own laws and
government: Then, when they are established, give them 15 minutes warning and turn their
whole country into glass.

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