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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Trouble In Paradise.....

    Two suicide bomb attacks killed 39 people outside a mosque during a Shi'ite religious ceremony in southeastern Iran on Wednesday, a strike Jundollah rebels said was retaliation for the execution of their leader in June.

     The bombings killed many children and women, who attended a Shi'ite religious ceremony to commemorate the death of Prophet Mohammad's grandson Hussein, state television reported, adding that the death toll was expected to increase.

     Two weeks ago Iranian nuclear scientists are murdered and shot as they drove to work with their wives. The American media barely made a squeak about it. Now another suicide bombing in Iran. If this keeps up, Americans might start getting a different impression of the country the US calls the "greatest state sponsor of terrorism."

     Shia Iran supports Palestinian militants. Sunni extremists are the global, anti-American terrorists which the war on terror should be focused on. These Sunni terrorists hate Iran as much as they hate America.

      If any terrorist think blowing up women and innocent children will be your path to heaven, I pity you and hope its hotter than hell where your going, without your harem of virgins. Tell you what, I'll double your virgin allotment if you put an AK barrel in your mouth and squeeze that trigger. My afterlife promise is every bit as valid as yours is.

     "You pray with your Palms up, for that I will kill you and myself.
      You pray with your Palms down, for this I will kill you and myself."

     I don't think all religions are meant to be good. There has to be that one crazy uncle that won't take his meds and scares the crap out of the rest of the family.

     By the way. The 72 virgins we hear about: are they women, men or sexy goats in black stockings? Just asking.

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