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Monday, December 6, 2010

What's Wrong With This Picture?.....

     Dowling Duncan — a graphic design firm with offices in San Francisco and Newark, England — thinks that American currency needs a new look, so its designers have submitted an entry in the "Dollar Rede$ign Project," which bills itself as a movement to "rebuild financial confidence and revive our failing economy" by re branding the U.S. dollar.

     Dowling Duncan's submission is a rendering that appears quite European-ish, and envisions current President Barack Obama replacing George Washington on the dollar bill. Fast Company's Suzanne LaBarre praised the Dowling Duncan design, writing, "The Obama bill anchors their sweeping concept for redesigning U.S. banknotes ... The impetus: The greenback has an image problem. It has come to represent everything that's wrong with the American economy, and worse, with its cartoonish graphics and vaguely sinister styling, it actually looks the part."

     First of all, America just overthrew a dictator who put his picture on his currency. In my opinion, no living human should be placed on any form of currency. It could almost be viewed as a form of worshiping a human. Second, these "small" changes which have been taking place concerning our currency is a way to ease the public into accepting a global currency.

     The federal government does not print its own money. Our currency is printed by the Federal Reserve. A Federal Reserve Note, which is any dollar bill, is simply a receipt for the gold and silver given to the Federal Reserve by our government, which is why you are seeing this new "gold rush" over the past 6 or 7 years.

     Whoever controls the money controls the nation and the United States does not control its money. Its money is controlled and produced by the Federal Reserve which lends the money to the United States. Since it is a loan, the United States is required to pay it back which means the burden of repayment is placed on the taxpayers. This is why our wages are taxed and why the I.R.S. was formed, which is an illegal entity.

     The Constitution clearly states that our monetary system is based on gold and silver and only corporation’s wages are to be taxed. Any taxpayer who earns wages for working is not required by any law under the Constitution to pay one cent to the government for wages earned by an individual. It is illegal for the I.R.S. to demand payment for "due taxes" or to deduct them from your check when you get paid. Your tax money does not go toward infrastructural needs in the United States. Your tax money goes directly into the pockets of the Federal Reserve and the members of its board. The Federal Reserve is owned by the World Bank and, essentially, that is where your tax money goes. In laymen’s terms, your money and the money of the United States is being out-sourced.

     The Federal Reserve is no more federal than Federal Express. It has never been audited. It is a corporation who does not have to abide by any laws set forth by this country regarding corporate activity. What it comes down to is the few members who run and own the Federal Reserve basically own and run the United States, a country which is now being run as if it were a large corporation. The United States answers to the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve answers to the World Bank. The World Bank answers to no one. It simply supplies money to different nations, nations which oppose us and are opposed by us.

     The World Bank runs countries like a business and the biggest and most profitable business is war, which is why we see these corporations whose businesses are weapons, military, or war based profiting even though the rest of the country has problems placing food on the table or keeping a roof over their heads.

     The Federal Reserve and the World Bank are the base roots of the many reasons why World War I and World War II happened so closely together. These world wars were planed as a trilogy. The changing of the money is necessary for two reasons. The first is to move toward a cashless society where monetary exchanges are made electronically.

     The objective is to implant a scanible microchip inside the human body. The second is to bring about the third world war. Ultimately, this entire process is to bring about a system of control. By forcing Americans to pay taxes so the government can pay the Federal Reserve, Americans became unwittingly trapped in a system of control. It is modern slavery. This is why we are seeing so many changes to United States currency.

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