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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Just STFU......

     Arizona state lawmakers moved swiftly on Tuesday to try to block members of a Kansas-based fundamentalist church from staging anti-gay protests at the funerals of the six shooting victims in Tucson.

     By unanimous votes, state lawmakers in both houses of the Legislature passed emergency legislation to bar such protests within 300 feet of funeral and burial services for one hour before and after the ceremonies. Violators would face a misdemeanor charge.

     The Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kansas, has said it plans to hold demonstrations at the funerals of those gunned down on Saturday outside a Tucson supermarket.

     Church members have picketed the funerals of U.S. military personnel killed in Afghanistan and Iraq to promote their belief that America is being punished by God for tolerating homosexuals, but a nine year old girl, who never got to live life, did nothing to warrant these animals presences.

     Why would a group of people, mostly related to each other, carry on like this? Money.

     A large number of them are lawyers. They are vicious and mean but also quite intelligent. They do incredibly awful things and infuriate the people, but remember, they always have the appropriate permits to protest and they are always careful not to violate any laws.

     They almost always have police protection (even though the police despise them as much as anyone else). When people attack them or cause harm to them during their protests they accuse the city of not protecting them and they sue the city. They want to be attacked. They know how angry they make people. That's what they want.

     I say ignore them so that they have no reason to sue a city or community. Sooner or later, they will be the aggressors and they will be arrested. Do it enough times and they will run out of money for court/bail fees. Even a sibling lawyer will work pro bono just so many times before they start ignoring your calls for free counsel.

     I feel that when its their time to go, they better be cremated, for I see many pee stains on their once shinny marble head stones.

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