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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Brother From Another Mother....

    The Black Caucus announced today that it is ALLOWING black republicans to join their group if they ask. "???" It has always been liberals that like to say that we all need to work together to solve problems and now they are actually debating as to whether a black republican can be in the group?
    It highlights two absolute truths:
    1) Liberals only want to get along as long as you go along with only their view and really are the most closed minded people in society
    2) Black liberals are the true driving force behind racial tensions in this country.
    Imagine if you can the possibility of even having such a thing as a "white" caucus that focused on policies that benefited whites above all others. These black republicans are hated by most black leaders and for what?? Believing in something other than quotas and government handouts??
    These lovely liberal social programs are the heart of what is wrong with the USA and especially what is wrong with the inner cities where family life and personal responsibility are things of the past because the social system has destroyed them.
    It's a sad commentary that you can have a "Miss Black Universe Pageant"  and everyone feels like they have to deal with it, but you better not have a "Miss WHITE Universe Pageant". That would be racist.

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