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Monday, November 8, 2010

..."Tech support, this is Bara.....I mean, Barry...can I help you?"

  Help me get this straight...Our tax dollars have now paid some LUDICROUS amount of money for our President and the First Lady to take a trip to India so he could stand in front of their parliament and tell them he will back them on a permanent seat on the U.N. Security Council?  He could have just phoned that bit of "good news" into India.
  -Email: Free
  -Land Line Phone call: Free with an International Plan
  -Cell Phone call: Free with an International Plan
  -A Democrat with his hand stuck in my pocket book, spending money unnecessarily and accomplishing nothing.....TYPICAL!
   This is crazy!! Why are we giving so much to India and getting 50,000 jobs in return? For these jobs we are going to recommend India for a PERMANENT seat on the UN Security Council and give them classified nuclear hardware? I am just curious why the left-wing media are keeping quiet on this? India sells children into labor! Child prostitution is allowed in certain regions! The poor are moved and shuffled around to suit the Indian Government! Womens rights are in the dark ages! Stop globe trotting and get back to America and get the jobs made that you said would be created from the Stimulis package!
   We need to withdraw from the United Nations and "The New World Order" and we need "special elections " in this country. National health care, and the health care act, should have been on the national ballot. So should the Federal Reserve, and membership in the United Nations.

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