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Thursday, December 2, 2010

I Always Feel Like Somebody's Watching Me.....

404 File Not found

It's all a conspiracy.
We're hiding everything from you...
or maybe the file doesn't actually exist.

     WikiLeaks' release of secret government communications is a warning to the world's biggest companies.

     Computer experts have warned for years about the threat posed by disgruntled insiders and by poorly crafted security policies, which give too much access to confidential data. And there is nothing about WikiLeaks' release of U.S. diplomatic documents to suggest that the group can't — or won't — use the same methods to reveal the secrets of powerful corporations.

     Add to that the complications of companies off-shoring support of their servers and data to countries which generally don't have the expertise to "lock down" security.

    Some off-shoring companies are attempting to introduce security measures as they send more and more jobs overseas, but those workers either don't care about them, don't have to follow the same rules as U.S. workers - or are simply too inexperienced or incompetent to understand the dangers of what they are doing.

     If I were one of the bad guys, I'd recruit the best and brightest hackers to work in an off-shore data center and develop as many bugs, viruses, "Trojan horses", etc and see what happens. Imagine if all lights went GREEN during rush hour - the death toll could make 9/11 look like a walk in the park. Or what if a major firm that has its data server off-shore and has its corporate customer list along with credit card and bank account numbers stolen.

      These are scenarios that we hope will happen later, not sooner.

     So my advice to corporate America: Do the Right Thing and Fear not!

     But pull stupid stunts and/or screw over your employees........We'll see you on WikiLeaks.........

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