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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Stop Fighting And Do SOMETHING..........

     Senate Republicans threatened Wednesday to block virtually all legislation until expiring tax cuts are extended and a bill is passed to fund the federal government, vastly complicating Democratic attempts to leave their own mark on the final days of the post-election Congress.

     In a letter to Harry Reid, the GOP wrote: "While there are other items that might ultimately be worthy of the Senate's attention, they cannot agree to prioritize any matters above the critical issues of funding the government and preventing a job-killing tax hike."

     Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans really want to vote on this. Both sides want all of the cuts to expire because they think that will bring in more revenue for them to mismanage and fritter away on pork. Both sides are simply positioning themselves to blame the other for blocking the extension of the tax cuts so that they are the ones controlling the purse strings when the dust settles.

     The problem is not taxes. It is, and always has been, OVER SPENDING. I would not mind paying a higher tax rate, if the money was used to reduce the deficit so that our children and grand-children are not paying for their mistakes.

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